18 Things That Will Give You Serious '90s Nostalgia

The '90s, a decade that bought us so much. For the majority of us, we grew up in the '90s and can fondly remember a time before smartphones, where we played outside instead of in front of a screen. Let's take a little trip down memory lane with 18 things that will give you some serious '90s nostalgia.

1. Furbies

2. Silly Putty

3. Tamagotchis

4. Windows 95 Solitaire

5. Beanie Babies

6. Gel Pens

7. Viennetta Ice Cream

8. Maths Machine

9. "Testing" Batteries

10. Bop It

11. Stamp Markers

12. Velcro Ball Game

13. Book Covers

14. Pogs

15. Pokemon Cards

16. The Original GameBoy

17. Scrunchies

18. Troll Dolls

Also Read: Peter Casey Has Gone Full 'Auld Lad On The Internet'

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