
Farcical Situation Leads To Game Of Thrones' Next Episode Being Leaked

There may only be seven episodes in the latest season of Game of Thrones but Jesus those poor buggers at HBO have had to go through a lot with hackers, leaks and downright silliness.

The penultimate episode in the season does not air until this Sunday night in the States but low and behold it's now online, apparently by way of HBO in Spain. Yes, this time hackers aren't to blame, according to fans on Reddit. The Spanish wing of the company seemed to accidentally posted the episode online to on-demand subscribers and by the time they took it down it was already spreading across the internet faster than characters have been getting from one of Westeros to the other this season!

At the moment the show is being taken down off the likes of YouTube and Twitch as fast as it's going up but it remains to be scene if it can be fully stopped. There are reports of spoilers already leaking onto social media but these are unverified reports given that I'm afraid to look, to be honest.

Oh well, going to have to probably turn off Twitter for the next five days so.

Hat-tip: Independent.co.uk

Also Read: We Can't Handle The Trailer For Next Weeks 'Game Of Thrones' Episode

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