
First Dates Ireland Is Searching For LGBTQ Daters

First Dates Ireland returns to our screens in the next few months but the minds behind the magic need our help.

Last week Coco television, the production company behind the show, was searching for male daters and now the production team is searching for LGBTQ daters - Love Island take note.

Do you or a friend fancying spending an evening on a blind date in the Gibson Hotel in Dublin? Well, you can apply to be a background or featured dater and each one gets you an opportunity to mingle with a blind date. If you're worried about the cameras you needn't be. Cameras remain out of view of diners so you don't feel self-conscious on your date.

If you fancy finding your next crush outside of the world of dating apps or drunken nights out why not give the show a go? The best dates from last years season were LGBTQ dates. Who can forget Ciara and Shannon?

Everyone was rooting for the pair at the end of the last season and when they revealed they were still together the internet lost its shit.

For more details and to apply for one of RTÉ's most popular shows click here.

Also Read: What To Watch: The Derry Girls Are Returning To Our Screens Tomorrow Night

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