
6 Million People Have Watched This Heartbreaking But Poignant First Dates Clip

First Dates has a way of pulling at our heartstrings like no other show. I think when older participants take part in the show it becomes especially poignant. So when we saw this heartbreaking First Dates couple from the British version of the show, we were like putty in their hands.

This video has been viewed more than six million times on Facebook and it's easy to see why. The video starts with a widower explaining how he lost his wife to dementia seven years previous. If that's not heartbreaking enough, he then goes on to say he also lost his son to a brain hemorrhage.

The one thing viewers can't get over is his attitude to life. Despite all that's happened to him his outlook on life is absolutely inspiring. He goes on to say, "Life is so bloody short and so many people don't realise that. And they waste their lives. So I don't want to die with any regrets".

If you're in the mood for a bit of a cry and some inspiration, check out the video below.

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