
Can You Get 100% In This Throwback High School Musical Quiz?

The High School Musical movies were one of the biggest movie franchises of the noughties. Toys, books, and costumes became every young girl's obsession and thanks to the soundtrack Zac Efron became a global superstar overnight.

Spawning three movies, in 2006 the original High School Musical became the Disney Channel's most successful movie ever. Not only was the film a huge success, the soundtrack was number one in the US and the UK.

Knowing that there's a couple of people who still hold the movie close to their hearts, it's time to test our your High School knowledge. Can you get 100% in this quiz? It's time to find out if those endless hours of repeat binge-watching have paid off:

Also Read: Killing A Sacred Cow: Songs From Nights Out In 2011 That're Actually Shite

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