
Louis Theroux's New Documentary The Night In Question Is On Tonight

Last month we reported that our favourite documentary maker Louis Theroux's was filming a new documentary titled 'The Night In Question'.

The Night in Question focuses on one of the biggest issues that face us, sexual assault and consent.

Watch the full documentary trailer here:

In this documentary, Louis  Theroux goes to American college campuses and comes face-to-face with both victims and students accused of sexual assault. He will also discuss how to address issues around consent with students. Students interviewed strongly believe in giving classes and guidelines on consent, making the campus more aware of issues revolving around sexual encounters.

This new documentary will be aired on BBC Two next Monday, March 4th.

In US colleges reports of sexual violence have dramatically increased in recent years. This is reflective of a global issue, one that is also prominent here in Ireland. A number of recent high profile cases in addition to the #MeToo movement have sparked the conversation around consent with Universities beginning to take action through activities like consent workshops.

At the start of the documentary Louis meets a neuroscience major who has been accused of raping a fellow student. Louis also meets young women whos claims of sexual assault have fallen on deaf ears. This highlights the challenges around sexual assault and the concerns victims have with coming forward.

Louis Theroux has always been at the forefront of tacking issues in society through his anthropological approach to documentary filmmaking. In his series Louis Theroux Wierd Weekends, he lived amongst American subcultures, drug users, porn stars, extreme nationalists to name but a few. For one of his most famous film documentaries, he lived with Jimmy Savile before he was exposed as a paedophile and the true extent of his crimes emerged. He also recently did a documentary on The Church of Scientology and spoke to members of the religion.

Louis new documentary will be aired on BBC Two tonight at 9.00 pm

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