
Lads, Tickets For 'Mean Girls The Musical' Are On Sale October 3rd

"I want my pink shirt back!" because Mean Girls The Musical is happening and what else could I wear?

Tina Fey's Mean Girls is every millennials favourite movie to quote, period. Now, fans of the 2004 movie can rejoice as their teenage bible is being made into a Broadway musical.

Fey revealed two big pieces of news in a short video clip she posted on Facebook: she finally got a GPS and previews for Mean Girls the musical is happening March of 2018, just in time for all you J1ers whole be visiting NYC in summer. Here's everything Tina had to say about the big reveal:

No doubt, fans cannot wait to hear some of their favourite lines turned into big musical numbers. Some of the most iconic quotes from the Tiny Fey written movie include:

  1. "One time Regina George punched me in the face, it was awesome!"
  2. "I can't help it if I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina"
  3. "That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets!"
  4. "You go glen coco!"
  5. "If you're from Africa, why are you white?"

Here's what the new set of The Plastics, the 'it' gang of Mean Girls led by Queen Plastic Regina George,  is set to look like:

Former Regina George herself, Rachel Mc Adams, is hoping to be first in line to see the cult classic on stage and fully approves of the transition of the film to the musical:

I really hope I get an invitation, yeah... I'll be the Regina George understudy (laughs)...I would love to see it. I’m so, so curious about it.

Of course, tickets go on sale October 3rd, if you've never seen the movie then you won't understand. Will October 3rd get a musical number? Here's hoping!

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