
Netflix Could Soon Be Charging You Extra To Binge On The Weekends

Netflix is a student's dream. We've all spent hours avoiding study, binge-watching our favourite TV series, but that could be changing very soon. The streaming giant has concocted an evil plan to add an extra Netflix weekend charge for new customers. Yep, this is not a drill - you could be paying more to sign-up over prime-time weekend periods.

According to Mashable, Netflix has been testing this down-right mean strategy on Aussies. Just like the UK and Ireland, Australia has less content that the US version of Netflix, so this makes the whole affair that little but worse.

The test carried out by Netflix increased the service by up to 20 percent when customers signed up on the weekend. Netflix has stated that no one has been charged an extra fee and that they "continuously test new things at Netflix". They've confirmed that they carried out the test to "better understand how consumers value Netflix".

They went on to say, "not everyone will see this test and we may not ever offer it generally". It's the 'may' in that sentence that strikes fear into out heart.


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