
Quiz: Can You Get Full Marks In This Hagrid-Themed Harry Potter Quiz?

Hagrid, lovable half-man, half-giant who - by any sane person's metric - should in no way have been employed in a capacity that involved him interacting with children. And yet - he was the groundskeeper of Hogwarts. We can only surmise that the standards of employee vetting surrounding child safety that were extant in the Harry Potter universe were woefully inept. No matter how kind and gentle someone like Hagrid may have been - even a cursory glance at the list of children who sustained mild to near-life-threatening injuries in his charge - surely should've meant that he was prohibited from ever being left in a supervisory capacity with minors.

Professional ineptitude aside, he seemed like a thoroughly nice chap. As such, he has found himself in receipt of one of the highest honours available to a fictional character in this day and age - becoming the subject of a biographic Sporcle quiz. Here's a list of noteworthy events through the, so far, documented life of Rubeus Hagrid. What you have to do, to best this quiz, is to arrange these in the order they happened in.

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