
"Ed Sheeran's Galway Girl Is Borderline Insulting": This Reddit Ireland Post Is Going Bonkers

Love or hate Ed Sheeran, there's no denying a fair amount of people enjoy him and his music...and a lot of them are from Ireland. But you can't deny that he can rub some people up the wrong way, as is evident in a very popular Reddit Ireland Ed Sheeran post.

User 'seanod5' gave out about the English singer in this post today:

Ed Sheeran's "Galway Girl" is borderline insulting. from ireland

He basically says Ed Sheeran's hit song 'Galway Girl' is wrecking his head, before proceeding to poke holes in the whole Galway Girl story, like she's actually from Limerick and not a girl. He says Ed made the song to "ride on the back of the already hugely recognised and celebrated original "Galway Girl" by Steve Earle". And before you say anything, he says he knows Earle isn't Irish either "but it's hard to argue against the fact that it's an Irish staple at this point and that every man, woman and child in the country knows it more or less off by heart, in English and as Gaeilge, whether they'd like to or not". Fair play.

The rant quickly rose to the top of Reddit Ireland's front page. Here are some of our favourite comments:

Sure look, Ed Sheeran is just a guy making music. Turn it off if ye don't like it? Or go outside as one commenter said.

Also read: The 9 Reasons Why Ed Sheeran Is S-H-I-T-E

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.