
DCU Student Breaks Record For Amount Of Likes On Facebook Friendship

21-year-old Business Studies student Stephen Lynch is in the news after his Facebook friendship went viral following a glut of likes, tags and comments from his 'mates'.

Lynch was seen talking to first year Marketing student Amy Noonan in the Nubar yesterday evening, and after the meeting a friend request was promptly sent.

What Lynch didn't account for however, was what a bunch of absolute legends his mates were, as they took to the social media platform and conspired to inundate the recent friendship post with likes, comments and tags, making sure that Amy knew what a ceremonious occasion her friendship with Lynch was.

Comments such as 'dis tat one he was with last night?,'jaysus he kept this one quiet' and 'aw good man lynch u old dog' were among many highlights of the Facebook thread.

As momentum gathered around campus, news of the friendship started to leak outside of DCU with students from other colleges joining in on the banter, liking and commenting in their droves.

GMIT student Larry Holmes was one of the outside agents who waded into the event, tagging fifty of his friends in an effort to bolster the reach of the post:

When I saw what was happening, and I knew I had to do my part. It took me a good twenty minutes to tag the post but sure it was either that or do me thesis. It was really a no-brainer.

At the time of writing the friendship has over 20,000 likes and nearly as many comments.

When asked about the recent events, Noonan confessed that she regretted the accepting the friend request:

I'm not sure about Stephen now. He seemed really nice when I was talking to him but obviously his friends are absolute gobshites. And if he's hanging around with them, he must be an even bigger gobshite.

Lynch was last seen in his bedroom hiding under a blanket and if reports are to be believed he's gone as red as a tomato since the incident took place. He has since deactivated his Facebook account but not before one of 'the lads' sent the post to the Guinness Book Of World Records. Lynch is expected to be on the cover of the 2018 edition of the popular book.

Lynch was unavailable for comment, like or tag.

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