
The 9 Top 'The Den' Moments Over The Years

In light of the the news that RTÉ have decided to discontinue making programming for young people, we've decided to round up the top moments from 'The Den'.

'The Den' was an institution in itself, and many Saturday mornings were spent watching the classic show with characters such as Zig and Zag, Dustin, and presenter Ray D'Arcy. All Irish children have fond memories of the show, so we've compiled the funniest and most shocking moments from throughout the show's history for your enjoyment.

1. This hilarious game show moment

This video has gone viral multiple times and is the definition of cringey, poor Kevin.

2. When they kitted out in Irish gear

This was to celebrate the 2002 world cup final and highlights how Irish children's programming could do whatever they wanted.


3. When 'The Den' became Den2

They decided to do this fantastic, cheesy cover of Depeche Mode's 'I just can't get enough', to mark the occasion.


4. When they did an Irish Top 5 music countdown

Including a Boyzone music video for the entire countdown.


5. The moment they visited Disneyland Paris

They made every child want to go.

6. The moment they gave away telescopes as prizes

You had to send your answers in on a postcard!


7. The ads between the breaks were the most 90s thing ever

That poptarts ad, dear God.


8. This Christmas special

Every Christmas special was GAS.

9. Finally; Bob Geldof and Dustin's duet

Featuring a tone-deaf turkey with Geldof clad in a buttoned down shirt, black leather trousers and a colour changing green screen background, only on 'The Den'.

Also Read: Throwback: Top Irish Christmas Presents Through The Years

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