
5 Addictive Online Fitness Programs For Poor Students

Every time January rolls around the entire world decides to hop on the online fitness bandwagon and join a gym.

If, however, you feel your belly is jiggling more than usual, it might be a good time to do something about it. The only problem is you're a poor student and have piss-all money – that's where we come in.

We've scoured the internet for some cheap and also some free online fitness programs that you can do from the comfort of your own home. With everything from HIIT style workouts to yoga – we can get you fit on no budget at all.

So get on your best workout gear and prepare to show those rock-hard abs.

1. DDP Yoga Now

Created by ex-wrestler Diamond Dallas Page, it's a yoga fitness program that rates your progress. It features a calendar with your workout for the day and uses a point system to track your progress. You're given a daily plan or you can choose what you would like to workout and what's great about it is there's no equipment. The plan starts at $29.99 for one month and you can check it out at

2. Blogilates

Blogilates was started by Cassey Ho and is a form of Pilates, all based on YouTube. She has every type of workout imaginable and if you want her proper PIIT program you get that for only €36. You will seriously see a difference.

3. Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide

This is by far one of the most popular online fitness programs for women out there. Kayla Itsines is the mastermind behind the bikini body guide which is a 28 minute fitness guide that uses High Intensity Interval Training. (HIIT) You can get it online at €48.56 or get the app for €3.20 a week.

4. Bikini Body Burn

This is a program that is very similar to Kayla's and is an online program using HIIT workouts, you can grab it on the website for €27.

5. Fitness Blender

This is a completely free YouTube based program that has every type of workout available. There are equipment free workouts, workout with dumbbells, yoga and Pilates style workouts.

Also Read: Fitness Hack: Here Are 5 Exercises You Can Do In Your Bedroom

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