
21 Bits From Dealz That All You Ladies Need To Own

If you haven't started shopping at Dealz then you're missing out on some serious deals - sorry we had to do it. Whether you're having a bit of a bash, need new stationary for the college year or want a few bits for the digs, Dealz is the place to go.  Also, you just never know what you're going to find.

Here are some of the best bargains and bits from Dealz you can buy now:

Stationary Bits

Move over expensive stationery shops, Dealz have all the diaries, notepads, folders, pens and accessories you ed. Each item is only €1.50!


Homeware Bits

Jars, mugs, and frames to decorate your house on the cheap! Yep, everything here is €1.50 each.


Bedroom Bits

Owl lovers rejoice, Dealz has owl stuff galore. Get yourself a candy dispenser for the side of your bed for €5 and treat yourself 24/7. Yep, that mirror below is actually €1.50.


Cosmetic Bits

A tanning applicator mitt, hair removal strips and Rimmel London mascara for €1. 50 each. Think of all the tanning mitts you could stock up on!


Selfie Bits

If you need a fancy dress costume forget here are some options. The Emoji Selfie Kit is everything you need for that Instagram story. It even includes the much-loved poop emoji.  Why not dress like Karen from Mean Girls and buy the Cat Dress Up Set #lowkeyshade.


"Craving Sugar" Bits

Whether it's that time of the month or you're just having a rubbish day then you'll enjoy the Dealz super cheap chocolate. You could buy a pot of Lucky Charms or a giant jar of Nutella for €4.


Private Bits

Lately, everyone has been talking about the "pull out"/ withdrawal method whereby people are foregoing using any form of protection. With that being said, you can get yourself a cheap as chips pregancy test for €1.50 and there's 3 included. Why not play it safe and get yourself a Bulletproof, Dealz's very own vibrator. Where else would you find such value for money?


Also Read: A New Twitter Hashtag Has Gone Viral And It's For All The Right Reasons

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