
The Magical New Penneys Bits You Need For Your Bedroom

It's fast approaching the new college year and your future bedroom will need some serious TLC. It's not always easy to move away from home or start fresh but, thankfully, Pennys makes that transition a whole lot easier with their cheap as chips bits for your bedroom. Here are the bedroom bits from Penneys you need to snap up:

Harry Potter Range

Yes, there's a Harry Potter homeware range in Penneys. The range has your favourite House cushions, mugs with the slogan "Don't Let The Muggles Get You Down", duvet covers and HP throw-overs. The Duvet sets come in single, double and king size with the king size price €22. The single is €18.


LED lights

Whether you're into the tropical vibe, love pop art, a bit of a minimalist or are a bit of disco queen you'll love all the LED lights from Penney's. Both the Pineapple and Love LED lights cost €4. The Disco LED lights cost €10 and the clear light bulbs are €7. We hear the light bulbs are selling out fast so get your hands on them pronto.


Duvet Covers

It's not just floral and pink available from the duvet range. You can get skulls, paisley print, nautical and as much black as your heart desires.


Fancy Cushions

Penneys probably have the biggest range of cushions they've ever had and we're not going to lie, you need them all. We love the new "No Probllama" pillow ( €4)  and the Bey Hive pillow (€6). The larger pillows cost upwards of €10 but think of the comfort!


Trinket Boxes

If you need a place to store all your bits and bobs and to keep your favourite jewelry than get one of these bad boys. The glass case trinket box is the most expensive at €7, the white roses box is €4 and the "pretty things" tray is €3.


Bits and Bobs

Penneys are killing it with their inexpensive nostalgic mugs. You can get everything from Disney to Harry Potter. Love animals? Penneys has you sorted. The Elephant Light box costs €14. Go art deco with the golden skull for €5. If you need to top up on pillowcases they're next to nothing for €3.50.


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