
The College Times Guide To Booking Accommodation At An Irish Wedding

Weddings are like buses. You could be a long time waiting on one to come along, then boom! You're invited to a load of them at once. One thing you should sort out sooner rather than later is accommodation because a) you don't want to be left with no option but to sleep in a field and b) you can't sleep in fields when you're pissed anymore.

If the bride and groom have been super considerate and planned their whole day around ensuring you can walk home from the venue, than jog on, this won't interest you. If you do however, have to book accommodation for an upcoming wedding, than we've come up with our own personal guide to help you out. It's the relatively new battle - a hotel versus an Airbnb.


1. Cost

There's no doubt weddings are an expensive business. Guests have to factor in the cost of buying a present and drinking money, while women often have the added expense of getting dolled up, including shelling out for a new outfit if we've nothing decent. Dollas are also needed for accommodation.


You can usually get an Airbnb cheaper than a hotel, especially if a gang of you rent one for the night. However, the bride and groom often get a special rate for guests so it might not work out too costly staying in a hotel. Remember, if you're booking accommodation elsewhere, make sure it's not miles away from the hotel. It's no use trying to save a few quid if it ends up all going on taxis anyway!


2. Length of stay

Weddings have gotten bigger in recent years, with many becoming two-day celebrations. If you are booking two nights to stay, it might be wiser to consider alternative accommodation to a hotel unless you've got cash to burn.


3. Convenience

You have to think about this. Weddings are a big deal and you're spending a good bit of money so you want to make sure you make the most of it. Is an Airbnb stay just as handy as a hotel? If so, than great, especially if you save yourself a few pennies. But if it's far enough away from the venue and you'd prefer to have a room close by to freshen up or have a quick nap if needs be, than a hotel might be better. And if you bought a few sneaky drinks to have in the room, well sure you're winning!


4. Check-in time 

Another crucial factor in your choice of accommodation. Will you be travelling for hours in a car to get to this wedding? If so, you might like a bit of time to freshen up and get ready properly before the ceremony. This is where you check your check-in time. Because if the ceremony is at say 1pm and check-in's not until 3pm, than you'll be getting ready in the lobby toilet. Which is fine if you're low-maintenance, high-maintenance not so much!


5. Check-out time

Another significant factor in your accommodation decision. Waking up with a whopper hangover is likely to happen and an extra hour in bed might be the difference between life or death. Choose wisely.


6. Comfort 

The size of your bed and whether you have a double wardrobe hardly matters. Once you've somewhere to freshen up and lay your head you're sorted. It's worth noting though that hotels offer all the amenities like a swimming pool, room service and a resident's bar. But hey, you'll have your own gaf if a few of you rent out an entire Airbnb!


7. The breakfast option 

While food has saved many lives of the hungover, the unlucky ones can't even stomach water. If you're in an Airbnb with no breakfast going, can you cope? Or will a greasy fry-up in a hotel be the thing that finishes you off? Decisions, decisions.


Also Read: The 18 Types Of People You Meet At Every Wedding

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