
Break-Up Text Goes Viral Highlighting The Social Norm Of Ghosting

Anyone reading this who hasn't experienced some shape or form of ghosting, your lying, shame on you. I personally have been ghosted so many times I have become the go-to person amongst my friend group for all things ghosting and am generally pleasantly surprised when a man responds to a message.

As most of us will be familiar with online dating it is difficult to judge a person based on a few pictures and a brief exchange of messages. When you do go to meet they can be different from the image you built when speaking over text, it can be an awkward exchange of conversation and often no spark. The social norm after such an exchange has become "ghosting". So for anyone who hasn't been on a date in 5 years "Ghosting" is when someone ceases all communication with a date without any warning or justification, as well as ignoring attempts from the person to reach out to communicate.


Recently, a Reddit users message went viral after she shared a refreshingly honest message from a man she had met on Tinder for a date with the caption "Ghosting isn't cool".

Just another reminder that people like to be treated like adults and ghosting isn’t cool from r/Tinder

There you have it lads, the better alternative to ghosting. Ghosting is hurtful for anyone on the receiving end of it. You invested time in this person, you spent some time texting, arranged to meet up, built- up the courage to meet a complete stranger in a pub or a cafe and then "poof". The humane thing to do is take lead from this guy. Thank the person for meeting you and just be honest, chances are they will agree and it shuts down any further awkward interactions without hurt feelings.

The fact that this message has even gone viral further highlights the worrying trend of Ghosting as a social norm in modern dating. The positive aspect of Tinder is it opens you up to meet people you would never cross paths with otherwise. With so much choice comes often comes the counter reaction, everyone is looking for the next best thing.

Random Tinder guy who is now gone viral, we applaud your honesty!

H/T: Indy100

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