
Cushioning - The New Dating Trend That Opens The Gateway To Cheating

When one door closes, another opens... isn't that how the saying goes?

In the case of cushioning, it seems that the door doesn't have to be closed at all before another opportunity presents itself. Or rather before you go chasing another opportunity. Let us explain.

Cushioning is basically a relationship back-up plan and a form of cheating. Picture this: you're in a relationship but you're not entirely sure what way it's going to go. So you have one person lined up, just in case the relationship ends.

Talk about strategic! This third person is basically a safety net (or cushion), and you chat with them, engage in flirting or even meet up with them.

The world of dating has revolutionised in recent years with more and more people opting for different approaches when it comes to relationships and how they meet people in general.

Cushioning is just one of the many new dating trends that has emerged in recent times.

What can we say? Romance is alive and well!

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