
11 Things You Do On Facebook You'd Never Do In Real Life

It's time to share a few Facebook truths...

Although Facebook can be a great everyday tool for friends and family to share news and snippets from your life sometimes it can be overloaded the wrong information. We've all been guilty of sharing a few random things on the aul Facebook, but some of us are more guilty than others.

There is very much one rule for Facebook and another for everyday interactions. All of these things may have become socially acceptable on Facebook but if you ever went up to anyone in the street and just threw these bits of information their way, without prompt, you would rightfully be thrown in some sort of padded cell.

Here are 11 things we've all been guilty of doing at one time or another:

1. Randomly telling people you're "In a relationship"

Eh, hey. Nice to meet you too.

2. Or clarifying you are, in fact, single.

I'm available for future Netflix and chills.

3. Statuses like: "I can't deal with today and that person..."

Followed by comments like " Hope you're okay! DM ME HUN x"

4, Awful Food Pics

Nobody needs to see that 3 in 1 from last night.

5. The "You Will Die" stories

Share this article or you will die.

6. Farmville Requests

Yes, you will die if you send me another request.

7. Keyboard Warriors

There's nothing more hilarious than a keyboard warrior trying to slag everyone in the comment section when their profile pic is that of a cat.

8. Tagging People In Photos

'Cause in real life people shout at you "LOOK AT YOU LOCKED IN THAT PICTURE! EVERYONE, LOOK AT THEM LOCKED!". Thanks, thanks a lot.


Get the eff away from me.

10. The "I want to look interesting" Profile Pic

Everyone needs that perfect sunset selfie.

11. "Share If You Care"

Everyone cares about puppies, global warming, and famine but do we need to constantly share to show we care? Stop the madness.

Have a friend who's guilty of the above?

Also Read: 15 Barcode Memories That You'll Never Forget

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