
Did You Know Your Favourite Chocolate Bar Is A Delicacy In Japan?

We all love our chocolate here in Ireland and it's there's much debate over Cadbury's and Nestlé. Some people love their candy from other countries and we're all delighted when we get some other country favourites in our local Dealz. Now we've only gone and discovered that one of our favourite chocolate bars is so unique and different it's a Japanese delicacy and has its own store.

The Tokyo Kit Kat store is called the Kit Kat Chocolatory and is a huge hit with Japanese customers. Japanese Nestlé offers tons of limited edition variations on the classic Kit Kat with Kit Kats in different flavours, patterns, tastes, gold-covered bars to rose-topped varieties.

Now the company has made a limited edition chocolate Kit Kat cake called the Gateau Mignon. The crunchy cake has been made to mark the re-opening of the Tokyo store.

The store reopening will feature a new menu that includes the 'Below Freezing Chocolatory' which offers a cooled with dry ice, single wafer called Moleson Kit Kats. The wafer is full of matcha-topped ice-cream and served in a chilled glass - Fancy! 

You can also write personalised messages on your Kit Kat through the 'Kit Kat Chocolatory Sublime Original Message service', which is the Sublime brand of Kit Kats. The Sublime Kit Kats are wrapped in a gift box.

All we want to know is: Nestlé, where's our Kit Kat cake?

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