
July 21st Is The Day You're Most Likely To Get Cheated On Apparently

The fear of being cheated can probably be considered a phobia in this day and age. If you've ever wondered what day you're going to get cheated on has discovered that today is actually the worst so hold on to that wondering stray: your other half.

According to (gas name all the same) statistically, July 21st is the day you're most likely to get cheated on.

The day is nicknamed 'Frisky Friday' (howdy) and should know all about affairs as they're in the business of making them happen.

It turns out the heat makes us a frisky bunch and with all this drinking we just can't help ourselves.  The website surveyed 300 people and Illicit spokesman Christian Grant revealed:

While many of us long for the summer – the longer evenings, clear skies and generally upbeat atmosphere – the hidden truth is that it’s the season that’s ripe for adultery.

Eh, right!  It's probably not a smart business move for the company to reveal the day when they get their biggest amount of traffic. Grant thinks it's all common sense to why people cheat today of all days:

Combine the feeling of a summer’s day, the fact that we’re spending more of our evenings socialising, and with all of us having plenty more skin on show, and you’ve got a potent cocktail that lays the foundations for cheating; it’s something that even the most loyal among us find hard to resist.

Hide your skin lads and ladies! It's tempting everybody, said the cloaked figures waving their religious symbols. Grant also says that the summer months and holidays cause more people to cheat as they spend too much time with their other halves. The website sees an increase of over 20% in July of people seeking an affair.

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