
How Much Editing Is Too Much Editing?

Photo editing is a topic that has been widely spoken about over the last few weeks after an Instagram page began to call out Irish Bloggers who have been editing their pictures heavily and posting them online.

Now we are all partial to putting an aul filter or two on our Instagram posts, and who is to say that's a bad thing? The filters are there for a reason aren't they? But when does editing become too much? Is it after we airbrush our entire face to look as smooth as a babies bum? Or is it after we put the 'Valencia' filter on all of our pictures before uploading them?

The truth is, it's completely up to you. It's your picture, your account, your decision. The difference between us normal folk and bloggers however, is that we are not promoting or trying to sell any products with our online influence. There needs to be transparency. It's not OK for someone with an online following to promote skincare products and tell their following that the products really cleared up their skin even though they are airbrushing all of their photos for example. So much of our time now is taken up by scrolling through multiple feeds and regardless if we want to admit that bloggers have an influence or not over us. They do. At the end of the day, what they do is advertising and with that has to come honesty.

Recently some of Ireland's biggest online influencers such as Rosie Connolly, Joanne Larby and Suzanne Jackson have been under massive scrutiny where editing photos is concerned. The bloggers took to their platforms to unite together and take a stand towards bullying.

@themakeupfairy (Joanne Larby) posted on her snapchat: "Ireland's influencers have decided in 2018 enough is enough and we are getting together to create a massive campaign against online bullying and harassment. We will use our powerful voice to stop the shame."

Online bullying and trolling is completely wrong in every way. But so is deceiving your followers and allowing them to buy into something that isn't completely truthful.

Moral of the story folks, edit your photos all you want, but keep in mind that if you are trying to sell something, transparency is key!

Also Read: Irish Influencers Under Fire Over Claims Of "Misleading" Advertisements

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