
New Research Reveals One Simple Snack Can Ease Junk Food Cravings

Yep you read that right, walnuts stops cravings. According to a recent study published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism researchers studied ten obese people over two five-day sessions.

In the first session participants were split into two groups with one group given a walnut smoothie every day and the other without. In the next session the groups were reversed and researchers discovered that the walnuts made the participants more likely to be able to resist temptation.

When shown pictures of junk food such as burgers and other fatty foods the people who had the walnuts displayed more insula activity than those who didn't. This lead scientists to come to the conclusion that the consumption of walnuts can strengthen the ability to resist unhealthy foods, diet sorted!

See also: 6 Things You Can Get In Aldi To Make Healthy Eating Easy 

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