
Nostalgia Corner: Ranking The Letterland Characters

If you went to primary school in the late 90s and early 00s, chances are you grew up with the Letterland characters plastered all over your classroom walls.

Many an argument has gone late into the night over who were the best Letterland characters. In order to give some closure to those screaming out for definitive answers I have taken an hour and a half out of my work day to do just that. Enjoy.

26) Fix It Max

Comes in last because his name doesn't even begin with his letter.

25) Lucy Lamp Light

'Aul Lucy wasn't much craic. I don't love lamp.

24) Talking Tess

Ahead of the game with her social media Tess was all about the networking. Now has a job in communications.

23) Vicky Violet

Although Vicky did have her freakishly big-violets-with-actual-faces she didn't bring much to the party.

22) Peter Puppy

Tried to get by on just being cut but was foolin' no one.

21) Noisy Nick

Noisy Nick constantly got on everyone's tits with his incessant drumming.

20) Impy Ink

Who in their right mind thought ink was a good basis for a character?

19) Fireman Fred

Yeah, yeah so you go around putting fires out, what else do you do? Very one-dimensional.

18) Eddy Elephant

Eddy: the original elephant in the room.

17) Dippy Duck

What kind of name is Dippy? I suppose Donald was taken...

16) Annie Apple

Good auld Annie apple, she started the whole show.

15) Bouncing Ben

Check out that cheeky grin. Bouncy Ben. One of the lads.

14) Golden Girl

Elegant, relaxed, cool. Golden girl was the hipster of Letterland.

13) Oscar Orange

Always had a smile on his face.

12) Red Robot

Though partial to the odd burgling, Red Robot was definitely one of the more memorable letters.

11) Uppy Umbrella

Always chasing the next high Uppy Umbrella's story was always going to end in tears. Died of a drug overdose in late 2011.

10) Walter Walrus

Looked nothing like the letter 'W' but we loved him all the more for it. A true maverick.

9) Zig Zag Zebra

Bringing up the rear was Zig Zag Zebra

8) Clever Cat

Clever Cat, as cute as a shithouse rat. Deserves their place on the list.

7) Sammy Snake

Almost reptilian like in his movements.

6)Quarrelsome Queen

The O.G.

5) Harry The Hat

Apart from the rampant alcoholism Harry the Hat was a barrel of craic.

4) Jumping Jim

Featured in the 2002 Olympics where he unfortunately broke his only jumping leg. Now wiles away his days in a wheelchair staring angrily out his porch, thinking of what might have been.

3) Yellow Yo Yo Man

With a marsupial-like pouch for storing yo-yos Yellow Yo-Yo Man was always a popular character in Letterland. That was until the arse fell out of the yo-yo market and he was forced into a zero-hour contract in Tesco.

2) Kicking King

Kicking King, the people's champion. He just oozes class.

1)Munching Mike

Like some sort of Robot Wars cast off Munching Mike was a stalwart of the Letterland scene and deservedly lands at the top of this list. Everything about Munching Mike shouldn't work but somehow he pulls it off.

Also Read: We Found Alive-O's Youtube Channel And Are Now In A Nostalgia Coma

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