
It's Official! September Babies 'More Likely' To Have A Successful Future

What's that I smell? Oh yeah, it's the sweet scent of success for people celebrating birthdays this month.

As it turns out, September isn't just about school books and autumn colours. It's SCIENTIFICALLY proven it's about future success for anyone who was born this month. New research carried out by National Bureau of Economic Research shows that people born in September will be a lot more successful in life.

The findings, based on a study of 1 million people, revealed that they were less likely to spend time in jail and more likely to go to college.


There's a pretty simple reason behind it really. The school year starts on the 1st of September in most countries and according to the research, being the oldest kid in class can have a positive impact on self-esteem and confidence. So basically, it contributes to a child's success.

So Queen Bey, the oldest kid in class, got to run the world? It all makes sense now.

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