
You Can Now Buy A Spice Bag Colouring Book

It's the most random and unexpected gift you could buy that Spice Bag mad person in your life...

The Dirtbird is an online shop that gives you the best take on Irish and Dublin life and gives zero fucks. Now you can jump on the bandwagon of 'mindfulness' and get your very own adult colouring book. The creator of the series of bits, Sarah Devereux, stresses that the Spice Bag colouring book is not for kids and here are some of the images you can find inside:

Who needs physical contact when you have a spice bag by your side. It provides all the warmth, anxiety and stomach butterflies you need. Or you can get another colouring book of your millennial dreams:

Or other favourites include these other straight talking notebooks and mirrors:

To check out all the other bits and bobs by The Dirtbird and to buy your own Spicebag colouring book click here.

Also Read: Watch: Brits Utterly Fail At Knowing Where Northern Ireland Is

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