
7 First World Problems All Students Have On Their First Day Of Semester Two

So, it's day one of the semester and things are looking grand. You wake up, throw on that new jacket Mammy bought you over Christmas, grab the nearest cup of caffeine and head out into the world. You don't even mind waiting an extra twenty minutes for the 46A - sure it's probably the bus drivers first day too!  You nod and joke with a few familiar faces lounging around the entrance to college and think, jaysus, the craic will be mighty this semester. Then you walk into class. You recognize no faces and remember why you're here. The lecturer introduces themselves and calls upon the class to introduce themselves to the topic: "why I've chosen to study *insert module*. That's when things go sour and the day that starts off grand slowly turns into a nightmare that only students can relate to:

1. The Introductions are a slow burner

As everyone fumbles through an awkward introduction of themselves you slowly die inside and hope that somehow you'll blend into the wall behind you.

2. The group projects are already being divvied out and you know Carol,  the mature student, isn't going to put up with your bullshit.

3. You realise you and your bestie aren't in enough classes together so you realise you'll have to sacrifice your lie-ins to not have to socialise outside their company.

4. Already all your money is gone on books and printouts

And you know the chances you'll read half this shite are severely slim.

5. Everything has changed

Your favourite chicken goujons you've been missing over Christmas break just don't taste the same anymore.

6. And even with your new Spotify playlist, the daily commute on Dublin Bus already has you internally screaming.

7. After all that, you're back looking at those roommates who love leaving their empty cans sitting on top of the cistern.

Speaking of cans, crack one. You deserve it.

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