
The 9 Things That Are Sure To Happen On The Sunday Train Back

Down home for the weekend? Once you've given your mammy a week's worth of washing and inhaled her dinners, it's time to catch up with your pals.

Before you know it, Sunday has rolled around and it's time to catch the train back. Here are a few things that may happen to make the journey an eventful one. You may or may not be dying with a hangover.

1. Bumping into the person you shifted last night

There's an unspoken rule that the one time you don't want to see someone is the very time you'll bump into them. And it's usually when you look like a bit of a creature.

No time for regrets though. So what you screeched the lyrics of Galway Girl and took a thousand selfies with your crush who may or may not have been a willing participant? It's all about damage control now - all you have to do is smile, ask if they had a good night, then get back to reading your magazine, like the cool together person you are.

"How about that weather hey?"


2. Realising you've forgotten your laptop and your whole life is on it

Yes, it's happened to us all and no, you're not going to die of a heart attack. Just breath, relax and maximise your time by doing what they did in prehistoric times  - read a book.

If that doesn't work, have a look at the gorgeous views from your carriage - you'll be reminded of what a good looking country Ireland is.

3. Realising you've brought your laptop so you've no excuse for not doing any work 

You had the best of intentions of finishing some assignments over the weekend but the time just sort of...ran away with its self. Cue two hours of stressing about all the work you have to do while not actually doing any work.

Hey, those WhatsApp messages won't answer themselves.


4. Chatting with all the sound staff 

Another reason why you don't get any work done! You're so busy having the chats with the hostesses that before you know it, two hours have flown by and you've arrived at your destination. You'll do some work before you go to bed... once you've showered and finished watching back to back episodes of Black Mirror.

5. Making eye contact with the person you went to school with

And so an internal struggle ensues. Should you say hello? But then if you do, will you be making awkward small talk for the entire journey? And what if they don't remember you, you'll look like a right Ejit.

After going through all eventualities, you end up just giving them the nod and staring outside the window for the remainder of the journey.


6. Seeing the person you matched with on Tinder 

And you can be sure you don't look like your fabulous photos (see point number one).

Just try not to cringe at your bio - 'Why oh why did I go on about avocados so much, I don't even like avocados!' - act nonchalant and walk/run to the bathroom so you can slap a bit of makeup on. Job done!

7. Rediscovering an amazing track on Spotify that you'd totally forgotten about 

Public transport offers the perfect opportunity to reacquaint yourself with some cracking tunes. Remember Cassie's 'Me & U' circa 2006?! Or the '90s tune 'Every Morning' by Sugar Ray? Stick those headphones on and watch the world go by as you listen to some golden oldies that remind you of the good times.


8. There will be that one person who struggles with too many bags

And they'll be huffing and puffing before they fall into their seat in a state of exhaustion/relief. How much stuff does one person need?!

9. And that person who boots it down to the platform one minute to the departure time

Like they're going for Gold in the Olympics. All the more impressive if it's the same person referred to in point number 8.


Also Read: The 12 Best Ways To Kill Time On Your Train Ride To College

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