Life 101

5 Of The Most Unrealistic College Movies Ever

College is the time that we all become who we are and we all meet our lifelong friends, find ourselves and have a groundbreaking revelation. Well according to all the movies. In reality, you gain 2 stone, have no money and spend too many nights awake attempting to finish assignments. So here are some of the most unrealistic college movies.

Legally Blonde


Okay, Legally Blonde is my favourite film, hands down. But honestly, please don’t apply to Harvard
(or any college for that matter) using a video of you in a bikini. Also you’re probably not going to win a murder trial during your first year of college either. Or will you be allowed to represent a client. Honestly, Legally Blonde was wild from start to finish, but a feminist masterpiece.

The Social Network


I know, I know it’s based on a real story. Are you going to invent the next big social media and
become a billionaire? Probably not. So let’s just move on, umkay?

Pitch Perfect


One the greatest films in the past ten years is also one of the fakest. No one is as funny or as perfect as Anna Kendrick, so that’s that. Also you probably won’t whip an acapella group into shape and win a national award (maybe you will but hey!) You also probably won’t win your boyfriend over by singing the soundtrack of his favourite film.

Bad Neighbours


First of all no one in college is Zac Efron, I’m sorry to say. So that’s the most unrealistic thing about
this. You won’t party this hard nor will your neighbours engage in a feud with you. They’ll just ring
the Gardai about a noise complaint. Sorry guys. Oh definitely no Zac Efron or Dave Franco.

22 Jump Street


Right, yes this is about grown men going undercover at a college campus. Does not mean that you
will party this hard, be this successful or have a wild “spring break” (regardless of the guns!) Oh yeah, there won’t be any Channing Tatums in college either.

Also read: 4 Fat-Blasting Student Recipes For A Flat Stomach

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