Life 101

Here's How To Make A LinkedIn That Isn't Shite

LinkedIn is the new way to get yourself a job once you leave the cocoon that is college. CVs will be a thing of the past as employers looks for more interactive ways to hire young bucks everywhere. You may be wondering how to make a standout LinkedIn profile amongst the thousands of others using the website? If you have no idea how to even go about creating a LinkedIn, we've got you bro.

Here's how to pimp out your LinkedIn and make sure people are scrambling all over to get you working for them.

1. Jot down the basics

You'll need to include things like where you live, what you study in college, where you went to secondary school – it's all very easy once you fill it in right.

2. Get more detailed

From here you should start to flesh out your LinkedIn just like you would do with a CV. Say any skills you've learned from your hobbies, give detailed descriptions of job roles and generally make it look a bit decent.

3. Add in photos/videos

Make your profile stand out and make people want to keep reading. By adding in a few photos and videos your profile strength will increase, it will be so much more readable and will give extra brownie points.

4. Show your personality

Make sure your writing style is appropriate to the type of job you want to apply for. If you want a writing job show off your skills, if it's business use a more informative style of writing – simples.

5. Connect with people

If you meet someone you know could help you at some stage, add them on LinkedIn. The more connections, the better, lads.

Also Read: How To Pimp Out Your LinkedIn And Get Hired

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