Life 101

Instagram Is Becoming A Full-Blown Snapchat Clone... Just Look At These 3 New Updates

You might have been looking at your Snapchat lately and been like 'Whoa, this isn't Snapchat at all' before realising you've opened Instagram instead. Instagram vs Snapchat similarities are crazy, no thanks to Instagram's new Stories feature which is more or less exactly the same as Snapchat stories. To add salt to the wound, Instagram stories now have 200 million active daily users which is more than the amount of Snapchat users in total!

Just when we thought Instagram couldn't get any weirder, they've made three new changes:

Geostickers: like Snapchat's geofilters, Instagram has a copycat idea called geostickers, which are designed by artists in a certain area, and have started popping up in Chicao, London, Madrid and Tokyo, according to Mashable.

via Instagram account

Sticker pinning: now you can pink stickers to your videos so they can stay in one spot, like Snapchat's motion-tracking emoji.

Selfie stickers: custom create stickers of your face, sorta like the scissors tool on Snapchat.

We just had to throw this in:

Also read: The 9 Types Of People In Every Single Whatsapp Group

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.