Life 101

7 Tips On How To Excel At Your Summer Internship

If you've actually got your life together and are about to embark on an internship – fair play. Internships are an amazing way to get work experience in your field, sometimes earn some cash and most importantly, to see if you actually like what you're studying for.

If you want to make a lasting impression at your internship and maybe even bag yourself a job, you need to make a good impression. By following these tips you'll be bound to excel at whatever you choose to do.

1. Use your own initiative

Nothing's worse than someone constantly asking, "What do I do now?" If you get given a task and complete it, move on to the next one. Taking initiative is an all-around skill that all employers look for and value.

2. Always make sure you're 10 minutes early

Since your internship is only for the summer you have to make a lasting impression in a short period of time. Arriving early is something that you should do regardless of whatever job you're doing. Make sure it's a priority.

3. Go above and beyond what's asked of you

This is a no-brainer. Who would you want to hire? Someone who does the bare minimum or someone who always goes the extra mile? Make sure you take pride in your work.

4. Don't be afraid to speak up

If you have an idea, let them know! There's no point being afraid to speak up as putting yourself out there will actually get you noticed.

5. Dress to impress

Regardless of what job you do, making an effort with your appearance will only give you extra brownie points. It shows you want to make a good impression and employers do pick up on these things.

6. Show your personality

If you're an outgoing, bubbly person don't be afraid to be yourself! This is normally a likeable trait in most professions and will definitely get you noticed.

7. Be consistent with your work

Strive for excellence in everything you do. Half-arsing something is not going to get you a full-time job. Even if means staying late some nights, being consistent with your work is another way to make a lasting impression.

Also Read: How To Pimp Out Your LinkedIn And Get Hired

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