
Here's How You Might Soon Be Eligible For A Free Interrail Pass On Your Birthday

It's been discussed for a while now but it might soon be a reality: the 18th birthday interrail pass. What the eff is that?, you might be asking. Well, a politician wants to do something nice for EU citizens in the form of a unique initiative and it's thiiis close to being passed in EU Parliament.

Manfred Weber, leader of Fine Gael’s EPP group has been pushing for EU citizens to receive a free pass to travel the train lines of the continent, reports the

Weber is asking the European Commission to open up their wallets and launch an initiative where 18-year-olds are gifted a single-use interrail ticket for their birthday.

The programme would be funded by the European Commission in cooperation with EU countries and rail companies.

On his YouDiscover campaign website, Manfred says:

"Want to see Paris? Ever been to Warsaw? Studied the ancient sites in Rome or Athens? When I was a young student, I just couldn’t wait to visit many places in Europe I had read so much about but never seen. On my travels, I came across people who were not so different to me, but I also learned to appreciate the little quirks that made them British, Italian, Spanish... I felt my mind broaden in ways I could not have imagined. I felt European.

"Now I want every 18-year-old European to have a chance to experience this too, to make new friends from all over Europe and feel this common European identity"

He even made a cute af video:

The verdict should be decided in the coming months and sad news lads, you prob won't be able to backdate a ticket if you're over 18. Ah sure look.

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.