
This Irish Woman's At-Home Abortion Live Updates Are An Important Read For Everyone

Having an abortion even in the safest of medical care would not be a pleasant experience, so imagine if you had no choice but to do an at-home abortion? One Irish woman shared her story on Reddit overnight and it received hundreds of questions and messages of support.

Reddit user mrsnogood said she wanted to share her experience of an at-home abortion for people who were curious or needed information.

She was in Dublin and said her reason for having an abortion was simple: "I have kids and my pill failed. Neither myself or my husband wanted any more kids and we felt it would take away from our children's lives to add another person to the family". She couldn't go to England for an abortion "but due to time restrictions, money concerns and the complete stigma, I decided to order the pills on line and try them", she said.

"I was 5 weeks gone, had a scan to ensure it was a standard pregnancy and took the first tablet yesterday. Second one I dissolved in my cheeks 30 min ago and I'm bleeding already. If you have any questions please ask".

Peoples' comments came in thick in fast, with Redditor yurtistan saying "Just to let you know, Irish doctors can provide you care legally if you become unwell and maintain your confidentiality", which others said was correct, though some said they've had some varying experiences.

mrsnogood said she was receiving death threats from pro-lifers, something you gotta admit is pretty ironic.

Other Redditors reassured her to go to the hospital if she is bleeding heavily or needs more than just a nurse friend to be with her.

Throughout the thread, the general feeling is anger, not towards the woman sharing her story but at the Irish government for not legalising abortion. No matter where you stand on the matter, you can't disagree that abortion can save lives, particularly in fatal birth defect pregnancies.

You can read the full thread here.

We truly hope the law changes soon so women can have the right to choose and access to healthcare without the stigma.

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.