
Conor McGregor's GF Dee Devlin Is Glowin' As She Shows Off Huge Baby Bump

Conor McGregor might be notorious for being a worldwide MMA champion but all eyes have been on his partner Dee Devlin lately as within her womb she holds Ireland's greatest treasure: Conor McGregor's baby. The country has been waited with baited breath for the birth of lil Conor Jr and if Dee's latest photo is anything to go off, the spawn will be here soon.

Dee posted a photo to her Instagram yesterday with her sisters and there was a very noticeable feature: her huge baby bump.

She actually looks awesome for a pregnant gal, we reckon. While there's been no official due date confirmed, insiders say the baby will be here in April or May.

Conor told a Q&A event at Manchester's Event City in January, “The only time my records are going to be broken is by him.

“I’m going to train this child. I hope when it comes down to it I can settle down when I have a child.

“I hope I can man up and be a father".

We hope so too.

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.