
The Ban On Pubs Opening On Good Friday Looks Set To Come To An End

The days of stocking up on booze for Good Friday in Ireland is about the come to an end, 90 years after being instated. The ban on opening pubs on Good Friday could come to an end today as the Dàil will debate the final stages of the bill, to amend section 2 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act.

If passed, pubs could open on Good Friday this year. Donal O'Keeffe, Chief Executive of the Licensed Vintners Association, says lifting the ban is long overdue:

We've been campaigning for several years now to have this amended, we think the law banning the sale of alcohol on Good Friday is completeley out of date.There is huge public support for it, there is huge tourism demand for it, and it'd be a terrific day for the pubs of Ireland if the ban is overturned so they are allowed to open this coming Good Friday.

Consumers have found ways around the ban in the past by drinking in airports or stocking up on Holy Thursday. The debate is set to kick off around 2:30 pm. If passed, expect a massive party this Good Friday.

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