
Watch Out For These Irish Phone Scams That Have Been Making The Rounds

I think we've all got sent some sort of phone scam from time to time, they're pretty inevitable. There have been the emails from the various Princes of Nigeria who wants to send you money, unusual photo messages and even random links.

However, in light of the recent global hacking, it's important to be aware of some of the scams making the rounds at the moment. If not for yourself, for all the Irish Mammies out there who still have no idea how to use their phone. Here are some of the main ones to look out for.

1. A call from this number: 00252 74000400

Irish people have been getting a call from this Somalian number. If you ever see this phone code, don't answer it as it's more than likely a scam.

2. "Dance of the Pope" and "Dance of Hillary" video

WannaCry, the hackers who are responsible for shutting down hospitals, universities and warehouses are the brains behind this scam. It will appear as a Whatsapp message and will spread a virus onto your phone – avoid this like the plague.

3. Microsoft scam

An apparent caller from Microsoft will say they need to access your computer remotely and can get your card details from here. It can cost up to €500 and will be from a foreign number.

These are just some of the most recent scams that have been making the rounds. Again, most of us would be aware when a dodgy text comes in but it's important to warn older people about how dangerous they can be. We have to keep our Mammies and Daddies safe after all.

Just remember to never even answer a call from an unusual number as the longer you stay on the line, the easier it is for them to grab valuable information.

Also Read: Stormzy Just Donated £9000 To Send A Student To A Prestigious College

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