
Leaving Cert Students React To English Paper One

The day is upon us. Over 50,000 Leaving Certificate students faced English paper one this morning as the state examinations commenced. For the rest of us who have done our penance and completed the exams, we were all looking forward to those blissful days of uninterrupted sunshine that commence as soon as students step into the exam hall. Unfortunately, we've had no such luck. Over the past 25 years, during exam week, the average temperature was 16.40 degrees. today is 11 degrees, cloudy with spells of rain.

Moving on from the weather and on to the exams. Twitter users wished people sitting the exam in the morning and stressed that points aren't everything.

On to English paper one, the reaction from Twitter is that the Leaving Cert is off to a positive start. You may recall from last year students were freaking out when their surprise the exam was set out differently. Students left the exam hall and went straight on to Twitter to vent their frustration at finding poetry and comparative questions usually solely on paper two on paper one. This year it seems there were some elements from paper two on this mornings paper. Overall the paper which had the theme of 'Feeding our Imaginations' was "nice".

Other Twitter users agreed:

One student's imagination may have run away with her. The best writing comes from pain and conflict, her mother will get over it when she comes back with an A.

Let's hope the rest of the exams go down so well.

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