
Spotify's New Throwback Playlist Will Make You Insanely Nostalgic

The Spotify Time Capsule playlist will give you all the feels...

There's nothing like a bangin' old school tune to make you relive the good times. You hear Sisqo 'Thong Song' and boom! You're transported back to a simpler time where you ironed your hair within an inch of its life and owned every shade of pan stick going.

Spotify is zoning in on the nostalgic buzz by creating a personalised 'Your Time Capsule' playlist which generates songs from your birthdate.

So your average 30-year-old might be treated to the likes of Warren G 'Regulate,' Mariah Carey 'Fantasy'  and maybe a bit of Usher and Craig David thrown in for good measure... "Can you fill me iiiin..."

Spotify users will have filled in their date of birth when they first sign up, hence solving the mystery of how the app just knows what jams you need in your life.

If you fancy checking out what your personalised throwback tunes are, go to the top of Home or the Decades section of Browse on the Spotify App. In the meantime, we'll just leave you with this:

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