
The Mixed Twitter Reaction To The UCD SU Impeachment Referendum

The referendum to impeach UCD SU President Katie Ascough is finally over. Ascough was removed from her position after over 6,000 students turned out to vote the pro-life president out of office.

In total, 6,611 voted, with 4,540 in favour of impeachment and 2,032 against.

In the wake of the result people have been taking to twitter to vent their frustration and joy:

Meadhbh makes a great point about how Ascough managed to get elected in a college that voted to be pro-choice:

All Passing Things comes in with a well thought out level-headed opinion.

'Some Dad' and 'Miskull Boohy' did manage to wring some humour out of the whole affair:

The impeachment has really split people down the middle. The whole situation really felt like a referendum within a referendum.

It will be interesting to see what Ascough does next and indeed who will become elected in her absence.

See Also:Breaking: UCD Have Voted To Remove Their SU President From Office

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