
13 Of The Best Ways To Save Money For Travelling

Are you looking for the best ways to save money for travelling? Well, you've come to the right place. You might be on a student budget, or you could be working full time. Either way, these tips are essential for getting money together to go on the trip of a lifetime.

1. Set a date


This will make it a lotttt easier to achieve your goal if you know a rough time you want to go. Want to move to Australia in January 2019? Get saving now!

2. Stop buying crap you don't need


This can be really hard. I recommend watching "Minimalism", a documentary about getting rid of stuff. It'll make you realise you have everything you need and don't need to keep buying more to be happy. Travel will make you 27452745x more content.

3. Ask for gift cards for travel on your birthday and Christmas

You'll be surprised how encouraging and generous others will be.

4. Set up an automatic debit

Every time you get paid, have an automatic debit deduct money from your account. That way you won't be tempted to spend it.

5. Be smart when booking

Once you have a bit of money, it's time to book your flights. Not only does this big step prepare you mentally, it'll force you to save.

Sign up to Skyscanner flight alerts, check on Secret Flights and see if there's a stopover flight on Skiplagged.

6. Make a proper budget


Figure out how much you spend every month by looking at your bank statement, then work out things you must pay for, and things you don't.

7. Alter your social and food habits


This doesn't mean you have to stop going out, but you could stay in a bit more with your friends. Also try to limit buying lunches every day!

8. Sell your stuff

You most likely have a shitload of stuff you could sell! Put it up on DoneDeal and see the money roll in.

9. Join a library

If you love books, don't buy them... borrow. It may seem like a foreign concept but considering libraries are everywhere and free, why wouldn't you?

10. Dye your own hair and do your own nails


No more salon visits if you want to save! Luckily hairdye formula is really easy to use and can look great straight from a packet. Also, you can get nail kits on eBay that can replicate acrylic nails from a salon for a fraction of the cost.

11. Cancel your gym membership

Let's face it: are you getting enough out of it? There's heaps of online fitness programs that are free or cheaper than the gym.

12. Stop drinking

It's a hard one but you really don't need to drink to have a good time. You'll save bucketloads. If you really do need to drink: bring a flask!

13. Tell other people about your goal

Tell everyone you know and they'll likely keep pestering you about it. Research shows that people who tell others about their goals are more likely to achieve them.

You'll have enough money before you know it!


Also read: How To Get J1 Jobs For You And Your Mates

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.