
10 Reasons Dating Someone Who Isn't Your "Type" Is Good For You

Do you have a type? If you looked back at all the people you've been with could you recognize the trend? Everyone has their preferences whether they realize it or not, some prefer blondes, others go for really talkative personalities, it all comes down to you. Some people are extremely specific so it might do well to step outside the norm and go for something new. You never know, giving that person you would normally brush aside for not being your "type" could be the one who ends up being perfect for you.

1. Go For The Complete Opposite

The excitement of something a little different can really change your sexual experience. Never liked tattoos much? Never been with someone taller/shorter than you? If the opportunity comes just give it a go.  It just might be your new kink.

2. Discover New Things

If you've been with the same type your whole life you may have become bored with it without realizing, especially if you've had some bad experiences with 'em. Those brooding, angst-ridden guys not workin' our for ya? There might be a reason why...like they are all assholes maybe?


3. Your New Relationship

Becoming bored with your usual type might just be why you haven't got much interest in dating or sex anymore. You just don't feel like expending the effort or just plain can't figure out why you turned down a date? You're most likely just bored by them before you even start.

4. The Long Term

Do you keep having shitty endings with ex's? Break away from your usual type otherwise you might just be setting yourself up for a lot of hurt and we can't have that now, can we? We most certainly can't.

5. It Could End Up Being The Best Decision Of Your Life

For whatever reason some people are really attracted to the bitchy or dickhead guy type which more often than not ends in disaster. If you've found someone a bit more easy going or reliable you might see just why you've been continuously dating the wrong people.

6. Fun Fling

Been with health freaks for years? Find someone who loves a filthy quarter pounder at 3 in the morning. They can give you a whole new experience that you mightn't have realized you really really enjoy doing.

7. It'll Open Your Mind

The next time you return to your type you'll have a set of new experiences and a bit of perspective on what other types can offer you so next time you probably won't be so focused on finding someone completely identical to the last. Madness is repetition the same thing and expecting different results.

8. Learn A Few New Tricks

Sex is never the same with any two people different shapes and sizes demand different actions and angles.  You might come out with a whole new set of moves that you didn't even know were possible.

9. You Get Better With People

Like letting the other person do all of the talking? Not anymore you don't. This time you're gonna become an active participant and go for someone reserved. At the very least your conversation skills will get a little polish.

10. You Can Always Go Back To Your Type

Having a little break can remind you exactly why you're attracted to these types of people plus you bring a little back from the experience with you, making you feel more fulfilled and satisfied by your new relationship with the old type.

 Video: The 7 Types Of Girls You Date

Credit: BuzzFeedYellow

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