
13 Phrases Every Couple Use And What They Really Mean

When you're in a relationship, being yourself and staying true to yourself is key, as unbelievably cheesy as that may sound. It's far too easy after all, to lose a little part of yourself when you're trying to accommodate another person into your daily schedule. As close as you may be, there's always going to be a tiny little something that you hold back, something that's left unsaid or indeed, something that's twisted in order to lessen the side effects (mainly silence) that it may cause. Here are 13 phrases that every couple use and what they really mean. So now you know...

1) "It's up to you."

I don't care enough about this matter to argue, so therefore I'm handing the responsibility over to you in the hope that you will, for once, make the right decision.

2) "I'm fine, ok?"

You're an unbelievable asshole, I'm now going to punish you until you remember what it is that you did wrong.

3) "No, I love your friends, why wouldn't I?"

Possibly because they're annoying idiots with whom I would never, ever voluntarily spend time with.

4) "I'm just really tired."

I just really don't want to have sex with you tonight. No offence or anything...

5) "Yes, I obviously do remember the date of our anniversary."

Oh shit. Please tell me I wrote it down somewhere. Facebook?

6) "Let's do something."

Let's have sex.

7) "I've had the worst day ever."

That is your cue to make me tea. Seriously. Put the kettle on.

8) "Are you hungry?"

I am absolutely starving, therefore, you'd better be too.

9) "Excuse me?"

Repeat the incorrect information that just departed your stupid mouth. Then await whatever abuse that you so clearly deserve.

10) "I love your mother, you're talking rubbish."

Your mother is a total and utter bitch. Good observation on your part.

11) "I'm actually freezing."

If you love me then you'll give me your hoodie and then you'll spoon away the cold.

12) "I really appreciated that drunk call last night, thanks so much."

Thanks for waking me up last night dipshit. You can now suffer the effects of my interrupted sleep pattern.

13) "I think you should wear something else. It's cold outside."

You look so horrendous that there's no way I'm stepping out in public with you. Go and change or I'm leaving you.

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Unnatural blonde with a natural gift for wrapping presents. Never had one lesson. Big fan of Sex and the City, Eddie Vedder and men who have a good strong whistle. Hope to be a responsible woman one day, but for now I'm enjoying being a child in a woman's body. Pet peeve: People who abbreve everything.