
15 Sexy Things That Aren't Actually Sexy At All

In theory, these activities are super sexy. In reality, they are suuuper annoying.

1. Sex on the beach.

 We prefer the cocktail instead!

2. Incorporating whipped cream or other foods into sex.
Ladies, unless yeast infections turn you on, then keep the whipped cream a-way-way from your va-jay-jay!
3. Speaking in baby talk to your partner.

It's absowutewy ridicuwous!
4. Doing the dirty after a dinner date.
All that bouncing around on a full stomach? No thanks!
5. Joining the "Mile High Club."
Airplane bathrooms are disgusting and if you're in there too long, you're going to arouse some suspicion!
6. Knockin boots outdoors.

Watch out for nettles! And bugs! And dirt! Oh my!
7. Getting it on in a hot tub.
All that hot water can actually wash away a woman's natural lubrication plus hot tubs are a breeding ground for bacteria!
8. Morning sex.
Go brush your teeth first!
9. Tearing off your clothes in the throes of passion.
Once the fun is over, you'll realize you just ruined your favourite shirt.
10. Kissing in the rain.

More like freezing your ass off!
11. Making a sex tape.
It may have launched Kim K's career, but if gets in the wrong hands, it could end yours!
12. Edible underwear.
Be careful where you take a bite!
13. Talking dirty.
Because unless you're a cunning linguist, it can go bad really quickly!
14. 50 Shades of Grey.
There is nothing sexy about a man who coerces a woman into letting him whip, smack and humiliate her while controlling her every move!
15. The "69" position.
How are you supposed to focus?

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Unnatural blonde with a natural gift for wrapping presents. Never had one lesson. Big fan of Sex and the City, Eddie Vedder and men who have a good strong whistle. Hope to be a responsible woman one day, but for now I'm enjoying being a child in a woman's body. Pet peeve: People who abbreve everything.