
Butterflies and Backrubs: 5 Signs That They're "The One"

First things first, I would just like to say that I find the very concept of "The One" or a soul mate to be kinda bullshit. The idea that there is a single designated person for each of us is just silly and quite unrealistic. That being said I think love exists, and it's this all consuming and kinda beautiful thing that most of us will experience. It's rare, it's really fucking rare and rather than fucking around questioning it, it's about time you take notice of the signs... Ps: With that being said I'm about to get super soppy and quite lame, you've been warned.

They Challenge You.

You look at this person and know that you'll never get bored of them, you'll never fall into a mundane routine because there's always something new. They push you to do things you've never done before, think thoughts you had previously never considered and overcome all previously established hurdles you had set for yourself. They challenge you to be more than you are and enable you to be more than you ever thought you could be.

They Make You Laugh.

Everything they say is hilarious to you, whether it's them telling an amazing joke or them failing to be funny and you laughing at their adorable efforts. Everything with them is just easy and light and you find yourself stupidly smiling at their messages. You're happy and there's no better way to explain it, it's just full on euphoria, and you try to think back to a time where you felt this happy, where you laughed this much and you can't. It's this completely new and unique feeling reserved only for them.

You're Comfortable Around Them. 

They are the human equivalent of you're favourite bra because you're just so comfortable around them. You're not nervous or anxious, you are simply at peace. You have days where you talk non-stop for hours and days where you sit together in silence (and not the awkward kind, but the "being in your presence makes me so relaxed and happy kind). You don't feel this constant need to impress them, that they're one of the only people on the planet who fully and completely accept you for who you are, faults and all. And there's something kind amazing about that

You Trust Them.

And you really do! They're like the diary you never had because you're far too cool to have one. You tell them everything indiscriminately, you share minor facts about yourself and deep dark secrets. You find it weird yet amazing that you're completely fine putting all your insecurities on display for this person and trusting them to keep it private. You're not afraid to tell them things and they're not afraid to do the same. There are no words you know that can explain how awesome it is to be so open and honest with another human being.

They Make You A Better Person.

Who you were before them isn't who you are now. Welcome to the new you, the improved you. You find yourself being more caring, attentive, understanding and weirdly wise. All your negativity, doubts and shortcomings have seemed to fade away and all that's left is the person you always wished you were. Now you're secure and confident in who you are as a person, because some one so amazing would love you (so you must be doing something right huh?)

I'll say it again, I don't believe "The One" truly exists. However, if you found someone that makes you feel anything like this then you're as close as a person can get. You my friend are easily one of the luckiest fuckers on the planet. Cherish them yeah...

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Dafe once went streaking in the middle of the day for the promise of a 4in1. He is in possession of a spectacular ass, and considers himself quite the suave "Motha-Fucka". He studies English and Law in Maynooth University, but rarely attends classes because he is; and I quote - "Too busy mackin them bishes". His love for appletini's is only outweighed by his love for appletini's. Be warned if you ever encounter Dafe in the real world, he will probably turn you to the darkside *whispers* black people...