Can You Feel It? How You Know You've a Great College Romance Going

You've been seeing each other for a while and you've basically moved into their student flat. You thought you'd be single all through college because it is the time of your life to be single and have fun. But now you're having more fun with just the one person, and they're worth giving up the single life for. So how do you know if its the real deal? Here are 11 signs to let you know that it just might be the real thing.

1. Your humour is so in sync.

You frequently say the same jokes at the same time, or make references to TV shows that have most people scrambling. You love the same movies and shows. You both think the other is hilarious. They can make you laugh like no other person can. When you're down all they have to do is say something funny and you're all better.

2. You each have lives outside of the relationship.

You have your own friends so you don't spend all your free time together. You're not one of those couples that are constantly hanging off each other that everyone hates. You both have nights out with your friends, neither of you lets your relationship get in the way of your friends. Trust me, this a god thing!

3. They're super hot.

It might be what drew you to them in the first place. But now you both recognize that the other is basically the hottest person you have ever had the honour to have sex with.

4. Not an asshole.

To you or to others. Your guy/girl is respectful and civil to everyone. Even when they're really pissed off at someone they don't have a screaming match with them or get physical in public. They genuinely care about you: comfort you when you're suffering from the man flu/menstruation. They bring you food and coffee when you've no time to make it for yourself. Which is often in the form of coffee and donuts when you're in the middle of an all-nighter and they drop by for a study break.

5. Intelligence & opinions.

You can have intellectual conversations and will listen to each other and give your opinions. You respect each other's intelligence and don't patronize or try to make them feel stupid. Because they aren't.

6. Passions.

You each have interests outside of the other. They liked other stuff before you came along and so did you. You don't change your interests because of them, you embrace their's as well as your's and sometimes something sticks. Its good to have different hobbies and interests, otherwise you'd just be dating yourself and while you might be cool with that, that's weird.

7. You do things together.

Not just sexy things...You go out on dates, or stay in for dates depending on the state of your bank balance. You go away together and both get involved in the planning and execution of those trips. You try out new hobbies, new food fads, new movies. You love sharing new experiences with them.

8. Honesty & trust.

You don't have any illusions about the other person. You have heard them shitting in the toilet and their farting in bed. You can talk about anything and don't keep stuff from the each other. You don't push for information, because you know that they trust you enough to tell you when they're ready.

9. No jealousy.

You're very secure in your relationship. You know they love you and you love them. If one of you is busy with assignments or work you understand and don't have a hissy fit and give them the silent treatment for a week. You can handle people flirting with them because you know they've only got eyes for you.

10. No cheating.

Of course not! The thought doesn't even enter your head. Sure you can appreciate another person's physical attractiveness but you would never act on it. You'd never want to risk not being with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Besides, you're perfectly satisfied with them, you don't need anyone else.

11. You just know.

You don't need an article to tell you. You think about them a lot, you worry about them, you fantasize about them. You talk to each other most days or at least poke each other on Facebook (Do people still do that?) You don't let distance or college crap get in the way of how you feel about the other. You know you have something special and no way would you ever want to give it up.

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Orlaith is a Creative Writing graduate from NUI Galway. Hailing from the low lying fields of Athenry, or at least what’s left of the low lying fields. She enjoys the internet as a means of living vicariously through others from the safe confines of her own bed. She will initiate a dance off after at least two drinks on any given night out.