How To Do Christmas With Your Other Half

So you've successfully navigated the dangerous dating waters of your college campus and have managed to secure yourself a steady sexual partner... congratulations. Now with all the Christmas lights and seasonal ads, you're under pressure to buy them a present. You want to show your affection - and maybe get some thank-you sex - but how much do you spend? When do you see them during the holidays? When do you exchange gifts? These are the questions you'll ask yourself about celebrating the Yuletide season with your boo. So what are the answers?

What Should You Get Them?

First of all, make sure you're actually exchanging presents. You don't want to have that awkward conversation when you've already spent time and money getting them a gift and they thought you weren't doing that at all. Don't spend a fortune, it'll just make them feel guilty for not spending as much as you. You're both broke students, act accordingly. Keep things personal and affordable. Don't spend a ton of money on an expensive watch or clothes. What if they don't like them?

Should You Celebrate With Just The Two of You or Everybody?

Why not both? Have your designated couple time before the semester ends after exams but also why not have a Christmas party with your housemates and friends? Exchange gifts, have food, make mulled wine, dress up and celebrate the season. Don't forget, your friends need some partying too.

Do You Live Far Apart?

If you aren't from the same place and are both heading home for Christmas, I'd suggest having a pre-Christmas get-together to exchange gifts. Is there a Christmas Market nearby with great mulled wine? Or maybe you'd prefer cooking dinner at yours (once you've kicked your housemates out for the night). You could exchange gifts there without exams hanging over your heads and have a romantic night together. This is especially nice if you know you're not going to see each other until second semester starts in the new year.

Do You Live Close by?

If you're both from the same place and are heading back together I'd suggest getting together maybe the night before Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve's eve, either at yours or theirs and exchange presents. This is great because it's still not Christmas yet, so you won't be detracting from any family plans for either of you. And you get presents a day or two (depending on your own traditions) early! If your family are strict on family time around Christmas you can meet up with them on St Stephen's Day/Boxing Day night. You'll still get to see them and celebrate Christmas, just around Christmas.

Should You Buy A Present For Their Parents?

Honestly, it depends. If don't live near them, or your girl/boyfriend don't get along with them, or if you aren't totally serious about this relationship,  then definitely don't. If you think that you have met the love of your life and want to make a good solid impression on their parents, and live close by, then do. But, keep it simple. Chocolates, wine or whiskey. Again don't break the bank, or the law if you're underage (remember, you want to make a good impression) and don't stress about it. Maybe ask your boy/girlfriend if they think that you should. If they say no then don't, if they are getting something for your folks, then do.

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Orlaith is a Creative Writing graduate from NUI Galway. Hailing from the low lying fields of Athenry, or at least what’s left of the low lying fields. She enjoys the internet as a means of living vicariously through others from the safe confines of her own bed. She will initiate a dance off after at least two drinks on any given night out.