
Are you the Crazy Ex?

It's been months you're still pining but it has reached a whooole new level. All your friends tell you to move on but you know he/she is actually crazy, not you ,you're fiiine so fiiine that you're practically grand.


You call and text them several times every day even though they ignore you completely.


You stalk every single one of their social networking accounts constantly even Bebo which they haven't used in 5 years.


You seen them shifting someone new in a picture and are now cyber bullying said person.


You find out their location and go there watching, waiting.


You still have their picture as your screen saver after a year.


You stay in contact with their mother.


You attempted to sleep with their bestie to make them jealous.


When Noah builds that house in the Notebook that's you except its less romantic and more psychotic.


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Student at I.A.D.T, lover of the Dangerzone.