
From The Social Butterfly To The C*ck Tease: 20 Types Of Female Friends Every Girl Has In College

During College a girl gets to know a lot of interesting people, from best friends to fleeting acquaintances. Some of them will stay for life and some of them won't, but that's what college is for isn't it?

1. The Negative Nancy.

She points out all of the possible things that can ever go wrong, is always moaning, and thinks her life is awful. From boyfriend, or lack of, to work issues and her hair not being the right shade of blonde, she's always moaning.

2. The 'Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better' One.

So you just got a new dress from River Island? She has it in three different colours already. That singer you just heard of yesterday? She's saw them live over a year ago... Twice. This friend always has a story to top yours., even if you suspect that it is bullshit.

3. The True Friend.

This is the friend who is there for you when you're down in the dumps. She fully reassures you that 'no one even noticed' when you puked all over the bar in the club last night, that when you fell, you fell 'gracefully, like a swan!' or that your crush definitely won't remember when you told him you want his babies after just one drunken kiss. Kind of like your own counselor, except free... and an awful lot more fun.

4. The Wild Child.

The life and soul of every party, she can drink three times the amount of vodka you can and still appear sober. You have some hilarious stories about drunken nights with her while frequently contemplating whether she'll die in her 30s of liver failure.

5. The College Friend.

This is the friend for life that you'll make in college. You have tons of memories together and you've experienced some of your most traumatic life experiences together, like your first STI test and your first trip to get the morning after pill.

6. The Sex-Mad One.

Going three months without the ride is "absolute insanity, sex is a basic human right!" according to her. She always has a hook up story or has someone on the go yet never has a boyfriend, which is good because who'd be your wing woman then?

7. The Anti-Man Friend.

The complete opposite to the sex-mad friend, she hates men and anything to do with relationships. The mention of someone going on a date makes her want to be sick all over herself.

8. The Snobby One.

You know she looks down her nose at a lot of people but her brutal honesty can be quite refreshing.

9. The Social Butterfly.

This is the friend who will tag along to any event and come away with AT LEAST three new BFF's. She walks into the room and you've lost her within minutes, she will talk to anyone and leaves a lasting impression anywhere she goes.

10. The One Who Bails.

This is the pal who is really enthusiastic about going to see that new band or going to the cinema to see that super cheesy looking movie but when it's time to actually go, she has some sort of an excuse, or just never shows up.

11. The Fashionista.

The friend who always looks fabulous, has the latest trends before they hit the magazines and can pull anything off; every day is catwalk day. If she dyed her hair snot green tomorrow she'd still look flawless.

12. The Mess.

The friend that's always getting mercilessly smashed, losing shoes, phones, purses, dignity, you name it, she's lost it. You know that thing called 'the fear'? She may as well have invented it because she has it pretty much 24/7.

13. The Ditz.

A bit of an airy fairy, should have been a natural blonde. She makes even the most serious conversations hilarious.

14. The Gossip.

The one who knows everything about everyone; she'll say things like "OH MY GOD, you will not believe what I heard at the weekend... But you can't tell anyone, it's a secret!"

15. The Sponge.

Always broke and never has anything to wear. She wouldn't think twice borrowing your clothes, make up and money for nights out and is almost always in debt to someone.

16. The Cock Tease.

The girl who's always bringing lads home after nights out, allowing them to believe that hanky-panky is on the cards but never actually putting out. Has got with about 1923.64 guys. Known to 'The Lads' on campus as "blue balls".

17. The Childhood Friend.

Your oldest and your first best friend. No matter how long it's been since you last spent time with each otherĀ  conversation always flows and you really enjoy their company.

18. The Vein One.

She spends 80% of pre drinks either admiring herself in the mirror, updating her snapchat story to show her snapchat friends how much fun she's having, or instagramming her perfected pout.

19. The Sensible One.

Sometimes known as the dry one. She's never tried a cigarette, never experimented with drugs, and is strictly celibate between relationships/forever. Gives disapproving looks when she hears of other people's sexual encounters, but you know she's secretly a little envious and wishes she could let loose from time to time.

20. The Lad.

She tells you everything, from her latest bowel movement and the exact colour of the lad she had sex with last nights pubes, to how long its been since she tended to her lady garden while farting mid sentence and not batting an eye lid. Whatever, you don't even care, you look like Marilyn Monroe in comparison.

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Currently bumming it, fresh outta college, slowly and reluctantly becoming an adult while trying to decide what to do with the rest of my life. I like drinking and interpretive dance, preferably in that order.