
The Greatest Collection Of Tits Ever Assembled [Very NSFW]

Here at CollegeTimes, we're all about them tits, and considering you clicked on an article entitled "The Greatest Collection of Tits Ever Assembled", we have a sneaking suspicion that you're a bit of a fan yourself. Now lean back, scroll, and get ready to enjoy this cheeky collection that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "nice tits."

Black-breasted Tit.

Twice the tit for your buck.

Elegant Tit.

Sounds like an oxymoron, but it's actually a bird.

Tufted Titmouse.

Is it a tit or is it a mouse? A bird, obviously.

White-backed Black Tit.

This bird cameoed in Michael Jackson's "Black Or White" music video.

Sombre Tit.

Someone tell this tit to lighten up.

Fire-capped Tit.

If you have a fire-capped tit you need to see a doctor immediately.

Great Tit.

Franky, I've seen better.

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Seán has been told by some that he resembles a young Hugh Laurie, but more people have tried to hire him as a Noddy impersonator. Something of a film fan, a pub quiz is one of the few situations in which he is even remotely useful. Seán enjoys the occasional beverage of the alcohol variety, Salt & Vinegar crisps, and referring to himself in the third person.